
JSR168 complaint MS Exchange Portlets

Yash Technologies, a leading provider of enterprise portal solutions, announced the release of JSR168 complaint SyncEx Collaboration Portlets for use by enterprise customers worldwide. When JSR168 specification was finally drafted, portal community expected to have applications and portlets that can be deployed in most portal servers. SyncEx Collaboration Portlets is a major step forward in fulfilling these expectations.

The new offering gives Enterprise Portal customers the ability to integrate emails, appointments, contacts, tasks, from Microsoft Exchange into their portals quickly and easily. The SyncEx Collaboration Portlets can be deployed on any open source jsr168 complaint portal server. Presently, SyncEx is coming with ready versions that work seamlessly with major Open Source Portal Servers - eXo Portal and Liferay Enterprise Portal and major commercial Portal Server- IBM WebSphere Portal and BEA Weblogic Portal Server. Yash lab is also testing SyncEx Portlets for SunOne, Vignette, Jetspeed, JBoss, and Oracle Portal Server.


Nirmal Kumar said...

Can i use this with websphere?

Nirmal Kumar said...

can i use it with IBM WAS?