The exoplatform one of the well known OS portal server has released their new version of portal. Here are the features of new product release. They also have a plan of adding more feature full product range. Below are links from where u can find the download link for the portal.
That new version comes with a huge set of new functionnalities
* Enhanced Portal Navigation and pages customization: Drag & Drop functionality of portlets
* Advanced Security: LDAP support and each portal, navigation tree or
page can be configured with a set of permissions allowing members of
group to see them or not.
* Enhanced Portal Navigation and pages customization:
* Collaboration and Information sharing: according to who you
are but also to the role you have in a group you can get the
information that is relevant for your intesrest and work. Version 1.1
comes with and enhanced community concepts which allow a fine
priority selection on the communities.
* Web Content Accessibility : most of the rendering HTML and css
has been rewriten to fulfill the WCAG 1.0 specification and to allow
the product to be used in federal and public organizations.
* Enhanced Monitoring Capabilities:it is now possible to monitor
portlet, page and portal accesses thanks to chart and efficient arrays.
* High performance and scalability
Download link
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